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MS Lunch Meeting
Friday 21 February 2020, 12:00pm - 01:30pm
Hits : 4054

We have an exciting speaker and topic for our next lunch meeting Dr. Kathy Gruver, PhD, LMT, CHt. As summarized in her bio, TED talk and Youtube presentation below Kathy has developed novel therapeutic approaches to Stress, Anxiety and Pain reduction. She has spoken worldwide, has an ongoing practice in Santa Barbara and has helped someone in our group deal with severe MS related pain. TJ Fortuna knows her well and recommends that those who can attend do. Please RSVP and come to see friends, greet newcomers to our group and hear of Dr. Gruver’s breakthrough therapies.

As an added incentive, join us to celebrate 5 years of Self Help Group Meetings restarted after National MS Society left town.  In honor of the occasion, lunch is free and will include a healthy dessert.


When: Friday, February 21, 12 PM-1:30 PM
Where: Goleta Valley Community Center, 5679 Hollister, in Goleta Room 2 - Easy Parking and Bus Transportation
Lunch: From Panera Bread (Choose, Sandwich or Salad, Bread and Drinks from Menu below)
PLEASE RSVP to Mike Jack NO LATER THAN THIS Thursday, February 20, 2020


About the Speaker

Dr. Kathy GruverKathy Gruver, PhD has graced stages on four continents (including 2 TEDx), three cruise ships and a handful of islands. Her combination of humor, performance background, real life experience and formal education makes her a well-rounded, in-demand speaker. She hosts the TV show based on her first book, The Alternative Medicine Cabinet and has earned her PhD in Natural Health. Dr. Gruver is the twelve-time award-winning author of seven books including, Conquer Your Stress, Workplace Wellness, Conquer your Stress at Work, and Journey of Healing. She has studied mind/body medicine at the famed Benson-Henry Institute for Mind-Body Medicine at Harvard, and has been featured as an expert in numerous publications including Glamour, Fitness, Time, WebMD, Prevention, Huffington Post and Dr. Oz’s The Good Life, and has appeared on over 250 radio & TV shows including Lifetime, NPR, CBS Radio and SkyNews London. In 2015 she had the privilege of creating a stress reduction program for the US Military and has been studying psychology and human behavior her entire life. She is also the co-host of the new Fire and Earth Podcast. For fun and stress relief Gruver does hip hop and flying trapeze.

TEDx Talk
Sizzle Reel
YouTube Videos
Twitter: @klgruver