Tuesday 11 June 2019, 11:30am - 01:30pm
Hits : 4082
Lunch & Talk on MS & Mavenclad by Dr. Charles Smith, MD, Division of Neurology, Scripps Clinic
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Location: Le Cafe Stella, 3302 McCaw Ave., Santa Barbara, (behind Gelsons)
RSVP: 1-877-969-1722 or MAVENCLAD.com
Dr. Smith is a very experienced neurologist, a superb presenter who will answer any questions on MS and not just focus on the new DMT. Mavenclad has just recently been approved for Relapsing Remitting and Active Secondary Progressive MS. I urge you to attend if you can for more information on MS in general and this new therapy. (Sponsor EMD Serono)