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Workout and Smoothies with TJ Fortuna
Saturday 29 September 2018, 01:00pm
Hits : 4786

Come join me for a workout Saturday, September 29th at 1 pm

We even have Backyard Bowls providing healthy and TASTY smoothies for our post-workout nutrition. YESSS!!

Its been awhile since I’ve seen you guys so come learn some new exercises. Ask questions about fitness and how to improve it. Also, get a chance to see your friends in our LMSCC group. (You guys ROCK!)

Here’s the breakdown:

Location: AC4 Fitness (3883 La Cumbre Plaza Ln, Santa Barbara)
Date: Saturday, September 29th (one of my fav days of the year!)
Time: 1pm (please try to be there on time!)
Cost: $5 (which includes a smoothie after your workout)
Instructors: TJ & Sean (plus volunteers helpers)

More Details: MS is an auto-immune disease that attacks the central nervous system. Through my own independent research I've seen the symptoms exacerbated when the body is under too much stress. The program I have designed is to help you manage your overall systemic stress. I want to put you back in control of your body and help you find that self-love and self-care you body wants so much.

This program is a pilot for the newest Holistic Wellness program offered in Santa Barbara by Fortuna Fitness. The complete program includes many aspects off fitness including: Exercise, Nutrition, Stress Management, and Lifestyle Modifications.

Join me and let’s work together to help you get to your healthiest, happiest YOU!

TJ Fortuna 661.565.6300 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.